Cross Country Champions!

3rd October 2024 On Saturday afternoon, the cross-country team met at Milton Keynes Rugby club ready to take part in the school cross country competition. We had runners taking place in the junior boys and girls and the senior boys and girls. All children had been training hard with weekly sessions at Bury Field and […]

National Poetry Day

On Thursday 3rd October we celebrated National Poetry Day. We started the week with an assembly to inspire us and listen to a range of different poems. The theme this year was counting. We used the poem ‘Paean’ (11 uses for a garden pea) by Kate Wakeling. Enjoy listening to our own versions.

Hogshaw Farm

2nd July 2024 Reception had a fantastic time at Hogshaw Farm. We arrived and found out that we were lucky enough to have the whole farm to ourselves. First we visited the farm animals, spotting goats, pigs, sheep, donkeys, guinea pigs and rabbits. Then we had a talk with keeper Catherine. She taught us lots […]

Roman Soldiers (Year 3-4)

26th June 2024 Zebra class have enjoyed marching after learning about the Roman army and the formations they used. We first made a shield and then used it to form the wedge and testudo (tortoise) formations.

Instrumental Workshop

17th April 2024 LKS2 were fortunate to have a presentation made by music hub musicians. They played a range of songs, including we don’t talk about Bruno, Sweet Caroline and Remember me. The musicians also talked about the different instrument, showing us viola, violin, drums, trombone, saxophone, clarinet and flute. We were taught which instrument […]

Year 5/6 Building Bridges

26th March 2024 Following on to the ‘Spagetti Bridges’ that Years 5 and 6 built in February. The children used new skills to saw and glue wooden bridges.   Here are some of the results.

Science – Watercycle (Year 3)

26th February 2024 While learning about the water cycle in LKS2, we created actions for all the different stages: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run off and collection.   After, we created our water cycles in bags using plastic food bags, markers, and water.

Maths – Measuring (Year 3)

12th February 2024 In year 3, we are beginning our new topic on length, looking at measuring in metres, centimetres, and millimetres. Today, we focussed on measuring in metres and centimetres using a range of different resources: rulers, metre sticks, and trundle wheels.   The children have enjoyed measuring and used the following STEM sentences […]

DT – Monsters

26th February 2024 LKS2 have been making monsters which use a pneumatic system to move up and down. We first explored the different pneumatic systems which could be used before designing our monsters’ using thumbnails and exploded diagrams. Our creations could then be made, have a look!