Year 6 – Knife Crime Workshop

13th February 2024 On Tuesday 13th February 2024, Year 6 were visited by an Educational Officer from Hazard Alley Safety Centre who delivered a workshop all about knife crime. The workshop was designed to educate the children all about the dangers of carrying knives and the consequences they could face if caught with a knife […]

Reception Pancake Day

13th February 2024 Reception had the best time celebrating Pancake Day. We learnt all about Shrove Tuesday and had a go at making our own pancakes. We measured out the ingredients, mixed it together and watched as the pancakes cooked in the pan. We learnt about how to be safe around hot pans and developed […]

Science LKS2

4th February 2024 While learning about the water cycle in LKS2, we created actions for all the different stages: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run off and collection.   We then created our water cycles in bags using plastic food bags, markers and water.

Lower KS2 Dance

6th February 2024 In LKS2, we have learnt about the different tree heights in a rainforest and thought about how they would grow from a seed.     Splitting up into groups, we all presented different heights of trees and decided how to move from a seed to become a group together.

Reception – Handa’s Suprise

6th February 2024 In Reception, we have been reading Handa’s Surprise. We explored the story sack and retold the story using masks and fruit. We had to steal the correct fruit from the Handa’s basket when it was our turn. We learnt the names of new fruits and animals.

National Safer Internet Day

6th February 2024 On Tuesday 6th February 2024, Cedars observed Safer Internet Day. The day began with an assembly led by Mr. Tearle, who introduced this year’s theme and discussed how technology has changed over time. Throughout the day, the children took time to remind themselves of the importance of staying safe online and how […]

Year 5 & 6 – Science

5th February 2024 Today, the children spent time learning about the difference between weight and mass and how to measure these. They enjoyed their time using the Newton metres to understand the link between weight and mass and successfully drew the conclusion that for every 100g (mass) of an object, there is a gravitational pull […]

Year 3 Trip to Hazard Alley

5th January 2024 Year 3 had the chance to visit Hazard Alley and learn lots of safety instructions.   We learnt how to keep ourselves safe around water, railways, building sites and kitchen appliances.

Year 5&6 Bletchley Park

2nd February 2024 On Friday 2nd February 2024, Year 5 and 6 visited Bletchley Park as part our History learning about World War II. Each class took part in a workshop all about the D-Day landings and the intelligence gathering and strategizing that was necessary for this to be a success. The children got the […]

Aim High Maths Day

25th January 2024 On 25th January 2024 Harvey, Bellamy, Willow, Albert and Mrs Smith visited Long Meadow Primary School to take part in a maths day with other schools from Milton Keynes and maths magician, Liz Gibbs. The day focussed on problem solving and we had a fantastic time, even though, by the end of […]