Please remember it is important to hear your child read at home or share stories with them. The homework policy is to read 5 times a week at home. Your child will bring home a coloured reading book but is also encouraged to read a book for their own enjoyment, for example an information book, a magazine or a poetry book.
Homework will continue to be set on a Thursday and needs to be handed in on a Tuesday. The expectations are:
Please only bring essential items to school on a daily basis ie: reading book, spelling book, reading diary, lunch box (if not having hot school meals). Pencil cases and equipment are provided in school.
Your child needs a refillable water bottle that is taken home daily for washing before returning to school the next day.
Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit (they do not need their school uniform to change back into). Long hair should be tied up and no jewellery should be worn – including earrings. Ears that have been recently pierced and cannot be removed will need to be covered.
We will have PE on the following days: