Years 5 & 6

Welcome to Years 5 & 6, our classes are Dolphins, Sharks and Stingrays.

Welcome to Years 5 & 6!

Year 5 marks the start of Upper Key Stage 2; here much of the teaching and learning prepares children for their end of key stage Statutory Assessments in Year 6 and transition to secondary school.  All members of the Year 5 team have high expectations of the pupils and we look forward to working with you to ensure that all children work hard, make progress and fulfil their potential.

Year 6 is a culmination of all primary school learning which ends with the key stage statutory assessments (SATs).  Pupils’ learning focuses on recapping work previously covered as well as developing reading, writing and maths skills to Year 6 expected level and beyond.  Pupils are prepared for Secondary School transition in a number of ways including: relationships with others and managing their emotions during times of change.

The teachers in Year 5 & 6 are:

The adults supporting in Year 5 & 6 are:

Topic Flyers

Activities at home

  • Conduct your own research into the Space Race

  • Research how space travel has developed over time and create a scrap book to help inspire your own creation this half term

  • Take a trip to the Science Museum

  • Research who Katherine Johnson was and her impact on space travel

  • Design a new space suit for the astronauts, labelling what materials you are using and why. Can you find some materials around the house to create this with?
  • Make a model of the solar system and try to depict the relative size and distance of the planets using your maths skills


We will be setting homework this half term in line with the homework policy:

• Maths and English homework is set every Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.

• Children are expected to read a minimum of five times per week and this is to be recorded in their planners (Year 6) or reading records (Year 5).

• Children should access TT Rock Stars for a minimum of 10 minutes daily. It is important that all children are able to recall their times table and division facts randomly and at speed.

• Throughout the year, additional spelling, punctuation and grammar homework may also be set to support the learning taking place at school.

Important information

Don’t forget, that every day the children need: a re-fillable water bottle, book bag to hold their reading record, spelling book and reading book and their lunch box (if they are not having school dinners).

PE Days

PE lessons will continue twice weekly in school. For PE days, children should come to school wearing their PE kit. Please ensure appropriate footwear is worn on these days. The children will have PE on the following days, please note there have been some slight changes:

We will have PE on the following days:

  • Stingrays: Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Sharks: Monday and Thursday
  • Dolphins: Tuesday and Thursday

Our PE Kit

Long hair should be tied up and no jewellery should be worn – including earrings. Ears that have been recently pierced and cannot be removed will need to be covered.