Our Curriculum

A Cedars’ child receives a broad balanced and rich curriculum that is dedicated to widening their life experiences and equipping them with progressive knowledge and skills to being an effective life-long learner with high aspirations and ambition.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced and rich

It is based on two basic principles:

Curriculum Drivers

Curriculum Driver shape our curriculum breadth. They are derived from an exploration of the background of our children, our beliefs about high quality education and our core values and purposes.


To effectively support the Cedars’ child to develop personally (independence), socially (exercises responsibility) and as a learner (to be curious, courageous, creative).


To develop the Cedars’ child’s knowledge of the diversity of different people that we see in the world and throughout human history.


To ensure the Cedars’ child receives a curriculum that is enriched.

Curriculum Breadth

Our Curriculum Breadth is shaped by our curriculum drivers, cultural capital and the aspects of the subjects that are studied (see the Primary National Curriculum). Our curriculum is carefully organised and planned so that each topic (half termly or termly theme) has subject content knowledge that has been clearly sequenced to build on prior learning. Clear sequential progression of aspects of a subject ensures children’s knowledge is built upon systematically.


Concepts tie together aspects of the subject into a meaningful learning journey. The same concepts are explored in a wide breadth of topics.  Through this ‘forwards and backwards engineering of the curriculum’, children return to the same concepts over and over and gradually build understanding of them. Through intra-curricular and cross-curricular links, children have a wide range of opportunities to apply their knowledge.

For each of the concepts there are four End Points (end of the Early Years, end of Key Stage 1, end of Lower Key Stage 2 and end of Upper Key Stage 2), each of which includes knowledge children need to understand the concepts, providing our progression model. English and Maths are planned on a one-year cycle, are taught daily with reading prioritised and have yearly end points. The other National Curriculum subjects (Religious Education, Computing, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages and PSHE) are planned over a two-year cycle to accommodate mixed age group classes.

Our curriculum is designed to give all pupils, including those with SEND or those with different experiences or starting points, the knowledge they need to be independent learners and to be prepared for the next steps in their learning journeys.

Homework tasks consolidate learning as well as providing challenging opportunities to explore, research and investigate further.


Spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding

SMSC) is integral to our school curriculum and ethos and is woven through day-to-day classroom activities such as discussion and circle times, check-ins, through assemblies and curriculum content. We have an expectation of a high standard of attitudes and behaviour (The Cedars’ Way) and this is evident in the relationships established between children themselves and between children and adults in our school. We teach Restorative Principles, encouraging children to analyse their behaviour and the impact it has upon others and how to make informed choices for the future. Certificates, Do-jo Points, Tree-mendous leaves, Class Teacher, Deputy Head and Headteacher stickers are awarded to children who have stood out to a member of staff academically and/or personally with both effort and achievement being celebrated.  Success from home is also celebrated.

We encourage ‘pupil voice’ and are open to suggestions from our children. Our School Council work actively with staff and the PTFA to address and develop areas of the school. Our children are confident communicators who are continually developing and learning and, through encouragement and good modelling, they learn how to work together respectfully and tackle new challenges with resilience.

We enrich our curriculum with visits/visitors within and beyond the locality, residential visits from Year 3 and themed learning days. As a school we recognise our children’s love of sport and the performing arts. Sport plays an important part of our curriculum and has been recognised through us achieving the Gold School Games Award. Each year children enjoy performing a play through song, dance and acting, leading the whole school Christmas church service and singing in the choir and/or playing a musical instrument to their peers, families and the local community.

We recognise that what children learn through their primary years of schooling contributes directly to their success in the future and therefore, we aim to give our children the very best possible opportunities through the curriculum and the experiences we offer, to ensure our children are well prepared for their next stage of learning.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office for the attention of Mrs McGarragh (Deputy Head).