Year 5&6 Bletchley Park

2nd February 2024 On Friday 2nd February 2024, Year 5 and 6 visited Bletchley Park as part our History learning about World War II. Each class took part in a workshop all about the D-Day landings and the intelligence gathering and strategizing that was necessary for this to be a success. The children got the […]

Aim High Maths Day

25th January 2024 On 25th January 2024 Harvey, Bellamy, Willow, Albert and Mrs Smith visited Long Meadow Primary School to take part in a maths day with other schools from Milton Keynes and maths magician, Liz Gibbs. The day focussed on problem solving and we had a fantastic time, even though, by the end of […]


16th December 2023 We have been learning the importance of Christingles in Christianity. We know what the different elements represent and created our own for the school church service.

Enrichment – with Mr Tearle

8th December 2023 Friday afternoons include some enrichment time. This week Years 3 and 4 decided to practice their dance moves with Mr Tearle. They were perfecting “The Cha Cha Slide”

Christmas Decorations

1st December 2023 This year we have based our decorations around the poem “The Night Before Chistmas” The children are proud of them and would like to share them with you. Our choir have sung along for you to enjoy.

Celebrating Bodhi day

8th December 2023 To celebrate Bodhi day, which is a Buddhism celebration, we created lots of activities in school. We learnt how it celebrates the time when Buddha become enlightened and began to pass his understanding onto others. You can be enlightened by following the eight-fold path. We found out that many people decorate their […]

Children In Need Day

17th November 2023 The children and staff enjoyed  celebrating Children In Need Day by wearing something spotty.

Odd Socks Day

13th – 17th November 2023 We have been celebrating anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks! By wearing odd socks, we are showing that we are all individual and unique.


10th November 2023 As a school we have been learning about the Sikh and Hindu festival of Divali which celebrates light overcoming darkness. We have created lots of different decorations, drawn representations of God and Godesses, created our own rangoli mats. KS1 had the opportunity to try some sweets!

Cross Country Training

17th October 2023 Cross country club are working hard to train for the Milton Keynes Schools cross country competition. Excellent focus and running from all pupils, well done!