
Welcome to Reception, our class is Brown Bears.


Welcome to Reception! 

Reception is the final year of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage, for children from birth to five years old) and it is the first year of primary education.

The EYFS is about how children learn, as well as what they learn. Children need well planned and inspiring opportunities to play and explore. They need to be problem solvers actively learning what to do when they encounter a problem and enjoying and celebrating their achievements.  We need to equip children with the skills to develop their own ideas, making links and creating and thinking critically. These characteristics are embedded at the heart of the EYFS at Cedars  and allow all children to become learners ready to move onto the next stage of their education.

The teacher in Reception is:

The adults supporting in Reception are:

Core Texts

The Girl with Two Dads by Mel Elliot and Families Families Families! by Susanne Lang.

Areas of LearningEarly Learning Goals
MathsNumber; Numerical patterns
PDGross motor skills; Fine motor skills
PSEDSelf-regulation; Managing self; Building relationships
WorldPast and present; The natural world
Exp A&DCreating with materials; Being imaginative and expressive
CLListening, attention and understanding; Speaking
LiteracyComprehension; Word reading; Writing


Please provide your child with only essential resources e.g. reading book and named lunch box (if not having hot meals).

Please provide your child with a named, refillable water bottle that is taken home each day for washing.

We have noticed an increase in children bringing toys from home. We ask that items from home are not brought into school as they can get easily lost or broken.

PE will take place on Wednesday – please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and sport shoes, which they will continue to wear throughout the day.

Supporting your child at home


Reading with your child at least 5 times a week (please write daily in the yellow reading record book). Please read books you have at home or from the library until children begin bringing reading books home.

We will visit the school library on a Monday.

Please return library books every Monday ready to take a new one home.